Online Monetization

Are you a site or blog owner willing to monetize your content on the internet? Leverage the power of proven methodologies to earn from your website.
Online Monetization

Your website is not just an expense rather an income.

Pulishers work pretty hard to make their websites more engaging and user friendly and most importantly click-worthy. When you wish to monetize your website there are a lot of factors that are taken into consideration from both publisher’s and advertiser’s point of view. The more personalized experience your reader can get from your website the higher will be the revenue.

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Ways to earn through your website.

  1. Pay-per-click Advertising.
  2. Native Advertising.
  3. Video Ads.
  4. Selling Ad Space.
  5. Affiliate Marketing.
  6. Donation-Based Monetization.
  7. Sell your Own Products and services.
  8. Sponsored Content.

Affiliate Marketing

If you dont have any product to sell, you can sell the products of advertisers on your website and earn a decent commission. Companies like CJ or commission junction and Amazon Associates offer high commission rates to website owners with high quality content and good monthly traffic.


Sell Ad Units

Your website’s sidebar areas and mastheads can be sold to advertisers who are willing to advertise their product/service. Instead of involving a third party ad network you can contact them directly and settle on a mutual agreement to display their ads on your website.


Sell your own Product

A lot of publishers turn their high traffic websites into full-blown eCommerce stores wherein they collaborate with different manufacturers and sell their own products. Its like getting a ready made market for your product even before the actual product is developed.